Initial Acupuncture Appointment
In your initial appointment we will cover your medical history, chief complaint and goals. We will then customize a treatment plan. An acupuncture treatment is included in the initial appointment.
50 Minute Follow Up Acupuncture
Treatment times last 50 min. Thin, sterile, disposable acupuncture needles will be inserted into specific areas of the body in order to promote a desired effect. Manual therapy, nutritional consultation and /or herbal recommendations may be included
50 Minute 10 Pack Acupuncture
Patients often require multiple treatments to achieve their desired goal. This package allows you to save while staying committed to your health.
Cosmetic Acupuncture Initial
In your initial appointment we will cover your medical history, chief complaint and goals. We will then customize a treatment plan. A treatment is included in the initial appointment.
Maintenance Follow Up
This is only for those who have completed a series within the past 6 months and need a touch up
12 pack Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic acupuncture works best when a series of treatments are done to achieve the desired goal.
6 Pack Qi Beauty Facial
Our expert will address your concerns, asses your skin condition and create a treatment plan customized to your needs.
Neck Add On
Neck treatment add on to the traditional Qi Beauty Facial
Decolatage Add On
Décolletage treatment add on to the Qi Beauty Facial